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The Future of Paid Ads: Advertising Trends in 2024

The Future of Paid Ads: Advertising Trends in 2024

The Future of Paid Ads: Advertising Trends in 2024


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The Future of Paid Ads: Advertising Trends in 2024

Advertising is a vital business activity, bringing brands closer to customers. In 2024, we have a variety of different tools we can use to advertise brands and target precisely the right audience.


The future of advertising seems even brighter with the rise of AI which allows us to use personalisation in our business communications.


In this article, we will explore the future of advertising and the innovative tools that make advertising even more effective.


Personalisation is a key element of advertising that intrigues the target audience and keeps them engaged as it feels relevant to them.


Personalization methods vary from website to website and it is a struggle for many businesses to find the right combination to keep users satisfied and executives happy. 


However, users find it valuable to have a personalized experience and feel assisted in real-time. Satisfied visitors stay longer, buy more, and come back as return clients.


This is why new artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, like Adobe Sensei, are here to provide solutions for real-time data processing that is significant for personalization.


When you utilise Sensei’s machine learning to rapidly process data, you can remove the human element, increasing capacity and reducing errors in the process.


Platforms like that collect, evaluate, and interpret the data, and then use that information to deliver a personalised experience to the user. Its role is to process the data and identify the appropriate content to serve to the user.


For example, Sensei processes the data in two different ways: a profile for every user and/or demographic personas. In the case of user profiles, Sensei uses the data to create a unique profile for every user.

Augmented Reality (AR) in Advertising

The use of AR in advertising is a growing trend. Immersive AR experiences help brands develop stronger emotional connections with their customers. 


AR ads are more likely to be remembered by your audience because they are immersed in the experience and engage actively. AR advertising may have the most significant impact on consumer choices when it comes to lesser-known brands but well-known brands are using this method as well.


The beauty industry has been using AR advertising for years now, for example, having website users try the shades of lipsticks and eyeshadows before purchasing. They even apply it on products that would be hard for someone to try online, such as perfumes, by focusing on the feelings the customers will feel from the fragrance.

AR in beauty products trying make up before buying it from a website.

Source: Inglobe Technologies

Voice Search Optimization in Advertising

Voice search marketing is fast becoming an important consideration for optimizing data and content for digital marketers. This was achieved through the improvement of the accuracy of voice search and the increased use of home-based devices like smart speakers, in combination with new AI technologies and the expectations of Google’s Search Generative Experience.


In 2024, voice assistants are expected to reach 8 billion users, and SEO tools like SEMrush, have included voice search optimization. According to SEMrush, consumers no longer want to waste time typing out their search, especially when on the move, and marketers need to consider this carefully when crafting content.


Blockchain in Advertising (transparency at its best) 

One critical problem in digital advertising is the lack of transparency, Digital ad fraud is a $19 billion problem. Blockchain technology can tackle this problem by storing transactions securely and transparently. 

Unlike traditional databases controlled by a central authority, blockchain is decentralised. No one person or company has complete control over it. 


Transactions are verified by a network of computers, making it difficult for anyone who wants to manipulate the data.


Blockchain will help reduce Ad fraud, allowing users to track their ads and see where the money they invest goes. This brings unprecedented transparency to digital ads and can save big amounts of money.

An example of a Blockchain is AdEx Network, a blockchain-based ad network for transparent reporting.


Programmatic Advertising Advances (as complex as it sounds) 

In the past, advertising was a broader term, using traditional media such as TV, print, and radio to reach their audience. Nowadays, programmatic advertising has changed media buying. 


Rather than merely placing your ad everywhere hoping for the right people to see it, now you can target specific people based on their online behaviour, interests, and demographics


Programmatic buying or advertising refers to the automated buying and selling of digital advertising space. It is a data-driven approach, allowing you to get your brand in front of your precise target audience at the right time. 


But, wait! It is more than just automation and saves time for brands by doing the hard work of placing multiple manual ads with various Insertion Orders from independent publishers. 


Programmatic advertising uses advanced software and algorithms to buy impressions via ad exchanges, making it possible to access thousands of publisher sites with just one click.


Programmatic advertising consists works by using three elements:

  • Advertisers: Ad buyers looking to reach target audiences. They use DSPs (Demand Side Platforms) to purchase ad space and manage campaigns.
  • Publishers: Websites with ad space to sell, making ad impressions available via SSPs (Supply Side Platforms).
  • Ad exchanges: Digital marketplaces auctioning ads to advertisers and publishers.

Marketers access DSPs to bid on and buy ad impressions from publishers who plug into exchanges via SSPs to sell their advertising space. The most amazing thing about this process is that everything happens in microseconds to deliver ads to the right people almost seamlessly. 


One example of a platform to use for efficient programmatic ad placement is DoubleClick by Google.


In 2024 Programmatic strategies are becoming more sophisticated and efficient, and predictions indicate that there will be a significant rise in programmatic ad spend. 


Sustainable and Green Advertising (Gen Z is completely into this) 

Eco-friendly advertising is becoming a priority not only for brands but for consumers as well. 


According to Deloitte, in 2021 40% of adults in the UK chose brands with environmentally sustainable practices or values, and 37% chose brands with ethical practices. These numbers continue to rise and it shows a shift to the buying behavior of consumers. 


The UK consumers continue to exhibit sustainable behaviours as per a BCG UK consumer sustainability survey in 2023.

Source: BCG Survey

A recent McKinsey Report showed that 75% of Gen Z shoppers find sustainability more important than brand names, with the same survey reporting that 82% of Gen Z consumers wanted brands to use ethical practices and focus on sustainability. These impressive statistics prove that the advertising industry has important responsibilities and great influence.


According to Celtra, brands should have a holistic approach to gain the trust of Gen Z consumers, brands need to be ethical from sourcing materials to manufacturing processes and packaging.


Marketers and brands should do better for a more sustainable future, utilizing platforms like Good-Loop to deliver sustainable ad campaigns would be beneficial for your brand.


The future is here

Through the use of artificial intelligence and the rise of media consumption by internet users, the advertising industry has never been able to target so precisely before.


Blockchain tools will make advertising finally more transparent and programmatic advertising will make advertising even more effective. 


One could say that 2024 will make advertising more predictable, effortless, and personalized!