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6 Signs Your SEO Campaign Is Working

6 Signs Your SEO Campaign Is Working

6 Signs Your SEO Campaign Is Working


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6 Signs Your SEO Campaign Is Working

With so much effort and money invested in SEO, it makes sense to wonder whether you are earning a return on those investments. 


The fact is, a successful SEO campaign takes time to produce results – it’s not done overnight, and in the modern world, businesses demand immediate results. 


A certain level of understanding is required by businesses that seek to benefit from SEO.


Search engine optimization (SEO) allows people to find your website organically via search engine results pages (SERPS). Trying to rank on page 1 alone is not enough for a smart, integrated SEO campaign since it fails to take heed of all the advantages SEO has to offer, whether it’s for your website or your business.


Due to the nature of SEO, it is sometimes hard to gauge SEO results because they don’t always show up right away. The question is, what are the real tell-tale signs that your SEO campaign is working?


Luckily, there are a couple of signs that can be used to see if you’re making progress in the right direction. Let’s find out what they are.  


You’re on a winning SEO campaign if…


#1 – Your Website Is Getting More Organic Traffic Now

A noticeable spike in organic traffic isn’t something that happens by accident. 


When you start getting more organic traffic, it is a clear indication that your SEO campaign is bearing fruit.  


It is estimated that 90% of websites do not receive any traffic from Google at all? 


However, the majority of users are clueless about how to measure organic traffic and often ask what are the best ways to measure organic traffic? 


A great tool for measuring organic traffic and gaining insight into your website is “Google Analytics”.


Google Analytics

You can easily install Google Analytics for free. There is an option to select a period from the past, month, or even year, to view a graph of the traffic to your website. 


Make sure to filter for organic traffic, so as to exclude traffic coming from referrals, advertisements, and social media. Fluctuations are to be expected, as I already said. 


You might have fewer visitors this week compared to last week, but such short comparisons don’t tell the whole story. A few months’ worth of data will give you a better perspective.   


#2 – Your Website Visitors Stay longer on Your Website

The next thing you need to consider is how much time users spend on your site. When someone lands on your website and leaves without doing anything, this is known as the bounce rate.


Does it really matter? When visitors quickly leave your site after visiting, it suggests you are not doing something right. 


Maybe visitors aren’t finding your content interesting enough to stay or maybe your website isn’t user-friendly or it’s taking much time to load. 


In other words, one good indicator that you are getting results from an SEO campaign is that visitors are spending more time on your site since you provide them with information that they need following lengthy research. 


Use Google Analytics to track how long visitors stay on your site. 


Google Analytics allows you to analyze individual pages on your website to determine what page content brings in the most traffic over an extended period of time. 


#3 – You’ve Got A Better Web Presence Now

The essence of SEO is not just how you appear in search engine results; rather, it pertains to enhancing your website’s visibility by making it more navigable for both search engines and users. 


Local listings managed by your company, responsive and easy-to-use websites, relevant and unique content, and a well-designed website are all factors that contribute to your SEO. 


Your business can benefit in multiple ways from this. For instance, you might find that visitors stay longer on your site, exploring more pages, indicating that your content is captivating. 


Alternatively, you might observe an increase in mobile visits, which indicates that your website is being found by mobile users and giving them easy access to the information they need.   


#4 – You’re Getting More Conversions

Furthermore, if you have noticed an increase in conversion rate, chances are you’re doing it right. A bigger traffic pool will ultimately lead to more conversions. 


Obviously, conversion rates play an important role, as well. 


On the other hand, you may have converted 1% of visitors in the past, but now your conversion rate is 2%


The increase could be attributed to a few SEO factors like better keyword selection – these keywords target the right audience, which leads to more leads and sales.


The improved the usability of your website, making it easier for visitors to find their way around it and locate the information they are seeking. 


Or maybe you have more content on your website, making it appear more credible, thereby making it more trustworthy.  


#5 – You’re Gaining More Referral Domains

When you get links from other websites organically, without seeking them out, it is clearly a testimony to the success of your search engine optimization efforts. 


An outreach campaign that results in new backlinks will be considered successful when it is spearheaded by yourself or your SEO company. You can expect your rankings to rise more if you receive more backlinks.


An organic backlink is a sign that your content is being noticed by other people. 


This can spread like wildfire. As soon as big sites link your content, more bloggers will do the same. 


#6 – You Have An Increasing Domain and Page Authority

Last but not least, a good sign to look for is an increase in “Domain and Page authority”.


Both of these scores indicate your site’s or page’s chances of ranking. 


Domain authority is a measure of your website’s probability of ranking overall, whereas page authority is a measure of the probability of ranking for a specific page. 


When it comes to SEO, you should remember that it takes time to reap the rewards. Ultimately, if you want to succeed in SEO, it is imperative that you make the necessary adjustments and monitor your progress. 


There are no shortcuts to success, and SEO agencies that claim instant results and top positions on the search results could be using black-hat techniques that will do more harm than good to your site.